Episode 2: Harold and the Purple Crayon

Welcome toTurning Back the Pages! In this podcast, I interview authors of children’s books about their favorite childhood books.

Art is powerful way to explore and express one's inner world, and this week, we spend our time talking about how one little purple crayon has inspired many artists throughout the years.

On this week’s episode of Turning Back the Pages, I am joined by Charlotte Cheng.

Charlotte Cheng has written and illustrated a variety of books including Night Market Rescue, Roar-Choo!, I Miss You Most(Fall 2024), BoBo Loves Dumplings, and BoBo’s Colorful Chinese New Year. With over 20 years of EdTech experience, Charlotte has also written and published K-12 curriculum for a variety of companies including CodeCombat, Disney, and Wonder Workshop. You can learn more about Charlotte’s work at: www.charlotte.art

Relevant Links:

Charlotte's ⁠Instagram⁠


About the show:

Follow ⁠⁠Ally⁠⁠ on ⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠Twitter/X⁠⁠

Find the Turning Back the Pages reading list on Bookshop.org

Thank you to ⁠⁠Juqboxmusic⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠zXennial_Music⁠⁠ for the show music

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